The climbing season is far from over here in the Northeast. That doesn’t mean, however, you shouldn’t plan ahead when it comes to your training needs during the long winter hibernation looming on the horizon. Rockstar Volumes offers many solutions that will help meet any space and budgetary needs, so you will be primed and ready with fingers of steel come 2022.
Let’s take an in-depth look at all the at-home climbing gear available, to help you best determine which training solutions are right for you.
Rocket Wall - When the pandemic decided to shut the world down, we went to work building a freestanding home wall in order to continue training at home. This wall was designed with the average do-it-yourselfer in mind, so it can be easily assembled at home with minimal tools. The Rocket Wall is a great addition to any space in your home: apartment, garage or wherever this wall can fit! Because it is a freestanding climbing wall, you also don’t need to worry about destroying any part of your living area.
Having a home wall is really the ultimate training tool for climbing. There are so many gains to be made when you have a wall steps away from your bed. Having a wall this close to you all the time, there is no excuse to NOT make time to train! A home wall also offers an infinite amount of training options. From ARC training, to interval training, to training specific movements or hold weaknesses, there really isn’t anything that can’t be done on this wall.
Rocketeer - For those who might not be quite ready to jump into a home wall, the Rocketeer is a great alternative (or addition). With a smaller footprint and lower cost, the Rocketeer offers a lot of the same benefits as the Rocket Wall. This freestanding training station can accommodate climbing holds to allow for hold- and movement-specific training. Where it has two sides, a hangboard (or two) can also be mounted to the 4’ x 2’ climbing surface. It pairs particularly well with our two hangboard options, the Rock-Stah wooden hangboard and the Maverick, as well as our Pinch Blocks. If you are looking for a more cost-efficient tool—that doesn’t require you to drill holes in your walls—the Rocketeer is where it's at.
Rock-Stah Wooden Hangboard - Every climber should invest in a good hangboard. This type of training is one of the most efficient ways to build hand and finger strength, but it should also be done with care. Having a hangboard easily accessible allows you the ability to isolate a variety of different grip positions in a highly specific way. You can also adjust the intensity by adding or taking away weight. The Rock-Stah wooden hangboard offers a range of different hold options, from crimps to jugs to two finger pockets. With such a variety, you can always ensure that you will get the most out of your hangboard session. The Rock-Stah is made from Baltic birch plywood and designed with radiuses holds to be nice and gentle on your skin.
Maverick - If portability is the name of the game, then the Maverick would be the winner. This ultra-sleek hangboard loves to travel, in order to make sure your fingers stay nice and strong while on the road. Use this bad boy on road trips to maintain your finger strength, or bring it to the crag to loosen up those digits before sending your project. When this small wooden hangboard isn’t hitching a ride in your climbing pack, attach it to your Rocketeer, or hang in elsewhere in your house to reap the benefits.
Pinch Block - Retailing for just $35, the Pinch is the smallest, most portable piece of gear in our arsenal. It can be used on its own or while hanging, and is a hugely versatile piece of equipment. The Pinch is a great option for warming up your fingers prior to adding any stress to them, and it is also a good tool to use for rehabbing a finger injury. When hanging (on your Rocket Wall or Rocketeer), the Pinch is an effective option for training contact/finger strength. This application allows for free rotation of your joints, which helps to reduce injury and allows for more natural movement. Lastly, the bread and butter of this piece of gear is to help you gain pinch strength. With varying widths and the ability to add weight, this is the simplest and most inexpensive training tool that will enable you to practice this skill at home.
Hopefully this gives you plenty to think about when it comes to your at home training needs, wants, desires. If you are left with any questions about any of the gear we offer, or if you have thoughts about having something customized for you, email us or give us a call!
Featured Climbing Training Gear
*NEW* The Rocketeer Wall: our free-standing adjustable solution for those who can’t mount a hangboard anywhere in their home or apartment—or who are limited on space. The Rocketeer gives climbers the additional option to set specific climbing holds. Recreate the crux holds of your proj and get ready to send, bruh.
The Rocket Wall: Available in 6’ and 8’ widths, it’s been tough for us to keep up with the demand for this innovative home climbing wall solution. Slightly overhanging, the Rocket Wall is big enough to set routes on, or to build a systems board.
The Rock-Stah: Our handcrafted version of a traditional hangboard, with curving crimp rails to help alleviate unnecessary strain on your pulleys. Because ain’t no one got time for a finger injury…