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Dovi Hirsch
Nov 22, 20233 min read
Does Hangboarding Build Stronger Skin for Better Rock Climbing Performance?
by Christopher Schafenacker So, you’ve got a climbing trip coming up and while your psych is high, you’ve been buried in books or work or...
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Dovi Hirsch
Jan 20, 20233 min read
Your Hangboard Routine Isn't Working? This Might Be Why
by Christopher Schafenacker So, you’ve started hangboarding? Let me guess: you’ve finally hit that plateau where, despite a truckload of...
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Dovi Hirsch
Aug 22, 20223 min read
To Hang or Not to Hang: The Pros and Cons of Hangboarding vs. No-Hanging
by Christopher Schafenacker Ok, first things first: any climber who wants to climb as hard as their genetic potential will allow needs to...
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Dovi Hirsch
Jul 8, 20223 min read
3 Things You Can Do with a Hangboard (That's Not Just Hangboarding)
by Christopher Schafenacker Going on a beach vacation? Panicked about losing your climbing fitness? Fear not! With a portable hangboard,...
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Dovi Hirsch
Apr 18, 20224 min read
Cross Training for Climbing: Making the Most of Unconventional Rock Climbing Workouts
by Christopher Schafenacker If you follow this blog, you know that the best training for climbing is climbing itself. Ours is a...
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Dovi Hirsch
Apr 26, 20214 min read
Change Up that Hangboard Routine: 3 Hangboard Workout Ideas to Try
This past year, climbers have had to get pretty inventive with their hangboard routines. Here are 3 new ideas to change it up...
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Dovi Hirsch
Mar 9, 20213 min read
The History of the Hangboard
The history of the hangboard is interesting, not only because it provides insight into the development of what is now an essential training
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Dovi Hirsch
Jan 20, 20213 min read
Hangboard vs. System Board: The Pros & Cons
Which is better: the hangboard or the system board? Well, they both have their pros and cons. Let’s explore each of these tools...
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Dovi Hirsch
Dec 15, 20204 min read
The Best Affordable Hangboard
The best affordable hangboard is the one you'll actually use. But here are a few suggestions to help you start shopping for a hangboard for
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