Covid-19 has driven climbers to get creative with home training setups, and the freestanding hangboard has emerged as the Goldilocks solution for those without the space or resources to mount a full-fledged home climbing wall. While not the complete training tool that is the 40º Rocket Wall XL, it is infinitely more versatile than a traditional hangboard, and more than enough to stay fighting fit whenever life—or a global pandemic—prevents you from getting to the crag or gym.
5 Ways to Train Effectively on a Freestanding Hangboard
1. Mount the Right Holds for Your Rig
One of the principal advantages of a freestanding hangboard like the Rocketeer is the ability to not only mount a hangboard, but also set the specific holds for your current project. Need to practice your ability to lock waaaaaay off on a micro-crimp? No problem. Need to work on bumping up varied pinches? We got you. Squeezing your way up a series of sidepulls? Easy. The versatility of the Rocketeer’s two T-nutted climbing surfaces with 21 pre-installed T-nuts on each means serious setting versatility.
2. Lay On (or Off) the Weight is the ability to not only mount a hangboard, but also set the specific holds for your current project. Need to practice your ability to lock waaaaaay off on a micro-crimp? No problem. Need to work on bumping up varied pinches? We got you. Squeezing your way up a series of sidepulls? Easy.
The versatility of The Rocketeer’s five eye-bolt mounts mean you can easily add a pulley system that allows you to remove weight from your hangs so that you can progressively work on managing the most heinous of holds. Likewise, the sturdy frame and ample width mean you can practice weighted hangs in all sorts of body-position variations.
3. Take It To-Go
Living #vanlife? Renting a seasonal apartment? Anticipating an upcoming move? Taking a home climbing wall with you on the road—or rebuilding one after a move—is a hassle at best, and impossible at worst. Not true of the Rocketeer, which contains only seven pieces that can be easily assembled. Even vanlifers with a little extra storage space could slot one under their bed and set it up upon arriving at whatever campsite they plan to stay at while chasing conditions across the continent.
4. Get Creative
The Rocketeer’s dual faces provide for all kinds of creative campus and climbing-related routines. Try campusing under from one face to the next to work on pulling roofs. Traverse around from one side to the other (with or without feet) to gain power endurance and lateral strength. Heck, you could even practice placing high heel-hooks in tenuous positions if you have pads and a spotter to protect you from tail-bone breaking falls…
5. Turn It into a Full Rehab Weight Station
The sturdy nature of a freestanding hangboard frame means you could even mount brackets to transform your Rocketeer into a lifting rack for lightweight bench pressing and other rehab weight training exercises. Naturally, you wouldn’t do this with anywhere near the weight of a dedicated lifting rack, but ample under-board space means a bench easily fits beneath.
To learn more about the Rocketeer or to browse other standout home training implements, check out the Hangboard and Climbing Training Gear tab on the Rockstar Volumes webpage.
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